东京大学生产技术研究所aziz muhammad副教授学术报告-亚博im电竞

 东京大学生产技术研究所aziz muhammad副教授学术报告-亚博im电竞

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东京大学生产技术研究所aziz muhammad副教授学术报告

1报告名称:writing qualified scientific paper: research, writing, and identity



报 告 人: aziz muhammad


performing research, analyzing the results and reporting them a scientific writing are one of very important chain-link in academic activities. both doing research and writing academic report are mutual to each other. academic writing is clear, concise, focussed, structured and backed up by evidence. its purpose is to aid the reader’s understanding. in this talk, several motivations in building a fruitful research and tips in academic writing are presented. performing fruitful research and writing clearly and deliverable an academic paper are two crucial aspects in building the identity for the researchers, as it proves the respectful existence of the researchers.

2报告名称:reviewing the academic paper



报 告 人:aziz muhammad


active participation in reviewing activities of others’ academic works are also very crucial, as it can sharpen our cutting-edge knowledge and mapping effectively the research activities conducted by others. several important aspects in reviewing the others’ work are presented and discussed. the role of the peer reviewer as an intermediary and arbiter in the process of scientific communication between the authors and the readers via the vehicle of the particular journal is discussed and the responsibilities of the reviewer to each of the three parties (the author/s, readers, and the journal editor) are defined.


    dr. aziz is currently an associate professor at institute of industrial science, the university of tokyo, tokyo, japan.in april 2019, he was selected as utokyo young excellent researcher 2018 promoting him for the current position.

his general research areas are advanced energy conversion systems. his research interest includes power generation, renewable energy utilization, process modeling, smart grid, electric vehicle, battery, and hydrogen production and utilization. he has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journals (published and in press), 16 books and book chapters, and more than 200 proceedings. in addition, he is also active as a reviewer for more than 50 distinguished journals related to energy research. he also owns japanese patent related to mechanical movement (drive) adopted until today.

he received several awards including young researcher award from asian pacific confederation of chemical engineering congress in 2012, outstanding paper award from journal of chemical engineering of japan in 2013, japan institute of energy award for encouragement from japan institute of energy in 2016, the best paper award from japan society of energy and resources in 2018, and utokyo young excellent researcher 2018 in 2019.

发布时间:2019-12-04 08:08:12
