东京大学aziz muhammad副教授学术报告之三-亚博im电竞

 东京大学aziz muhammad副教授学术报告之三-亚博im电竞

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东京大学aziz muhammad副教授学术报告之三

报告名称:toward carbon-free hydrogen production, storage and utilization



报 告 人: aziz muhammad


as a secondary energy resource, hydrogen is considered promising due to its excellent characteristics. an integrated hydrogen production and storage systems have been developed and analyzed. low grade fuels, including low rank coals and industrial wastes, are potential as primary energy sources to be converted to hydrogen. chemical looping is adopted as the core technology due to its capability to simultaneously produce hydrogen and co2with very low energy penalty. in addition, several hydrogen storage technologies were developed. it seems that ammonia is highly promising in terms of total energy efficiency and final cost.


    dr. aziz is currently an associate professor at institute of industrial science, the university of tokyo, tokyo, japan. in april 2019, he was selected as utokyo young excellent researcher 2018 promoting him for the current position.

his general research areas are advanced energy conversion systems. his research interest includes power generation, renewable energy utilization, process modeling, smart grid, electric vehicle, battery, and hydrogen production and utilization. he has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journals (published and in press), 16 books and book chapters, and more than 200 proceedings. in addition, he is also active as a reviewer for more than 50 distinguished journals related to energy research. he also owns japanese patent related to mechanical movement (drive) adopted until today.

he received several awards including young researcher award from asian pacific confederation of chemical engineering congress in 2012, outstanding paper award from journal of chemical engineering of japan in 2013, japan institute of energy award for encouragement from japan institute of energy in 2016, the best paper award from japan society of energy and resources in 2018, and utokyo young excellent researcher 2018 in 2019.

发布时间:2019-12-05 13:39:31
