报告题目:用于低(零)碳航运的可替代燃料(alternative fuels for low or zero carbon emissions from shipping)
报 告 人:周培林教授 思克莱德大学
会议时间:2023年12月1日 15:10-17:05
the presentation will introduce author’s research on zero carbon emission fuels’ marine application, including international targets on greenhouse gas (ghg) emission reduction in changeling global climate changes, properties of ammonia, advantages and disadvantages of using ammonia as marine fuel. the presentation will also show some results of author’s research on storage tank installation, ammonia related risk and risk mitigation.
reporter's biography:
professor zhou has over 30 years’ experience in marine engineering research and teaching, has published over 200 papers on internal refereed journals and conferences. his research interest includes improvement of marine engine efficiency, engine simulation, engine emission reduction and application of alternative fuels.