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2003.9-2007.7大连理工大学 工程力学,本科/学士

2007.9-2012.7北京大学 能源与资源工程,研究生/博士




2012年7月—2014年7月 大连海事大学轮机工程学院 讲师

2014年7月—2019年7月 大连海事大学轮机工程学院 副教授

2016年9月—2017年9月 美国佐治亚理工学院机械与材料工程系访问学者

2019年7月—至今 大连海事大学轮机工程学院 教授,博士生导师







1. 科技部, 国家重点研发计划课题,发电网络构建及海洋动力环境系统测试, 2022-01 至 2026-11, 550万元, 在研, 主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,基于摩擦纳米发电的水下涡流自驱动感知机理研究, 2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 50万元, 在研, 主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,基于摩擦纳米发电机的波浪能高效转换机理研究, 2 019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 58万元, 结题, 主持。

4. 大连市科技局, 省部级人才项目, 水下仿生触觉感知系统及其在海洋智能装备中的应用研究, 2022-01 至 2023-12, 100万元, 在研, 主持。

5. 中国科协青年人才托举工程,2016/01-2018/12、45万、结题、主持。

6. 国家自然科学基金,自激旋进射流的湍流混合特性与主动控制机理研究、51506019、2016/01-2018/12、21万、结题、主持。

7. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 柔性海流能摩擦纳米发电机能量转换机理研究, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 60万元, 在研, 参与。

8. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 基于空化热点效应的船舶尾气脱硝机理研 究, 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 24万元, 结题, 参与。


(一) 省部级奖励

1. 科研获奖

l 中国产学研合作创新与促进奖产学研合作创新成果奖一等奖,船舶水下检测智能装备关键技术研究与应用,排序1/12,2021年

l 中国航海学会航海青年科技奖,排序1,2022年

l 第二十四届全国发明展览会发明创业奖项目奖银奖,基于摩擦纳米发电机波浪能波浪能高效发电的自驱动海洋浮标,排序1/4,2020年

l 中国国际高新技术成果交易会优秀产品奖,船体检测水下机器人,排序1,2019年

l 中国发明协会发明创业奖·成果奖一等奖,纳米晶极薄带材技术研发及产业化,排序5/7,2020年

l 中国采购与物流联合会科技进步一等奖,电商物流可移动货架仓库的智能运营系统关键技术及应用项目,排序6/15,2022年

2. 科研论文获奖

l 交通运输重大科技创新成果,用于采集任意方向波浪能的高功率塔式摩擦纳米发电机,2021年

l 交通运输重大科技创新成果,一种防潮且自适应风向的旗型摩擦纳米发电机,2021年

l 交通运输重大科技创新成果,基于双管亥姆赫兹共振腔的高效声能收集摩擦纳米发电机,2020年

l 中国航海学会优秀论文,基于液固界面摩擦纳米发电机的自驱动船舶倾角传感器研究,2019年

3. 人才称号与荣誉

l 中国科协青年人托举工程(中国航海学会推荐2人),2017年

l 交通运输部青年拔尖人才,2023年

l 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才,2023年

l 交通运输部交通科技英才,2022年

l 大连市杰出青年科技人才(共12人),2021年

l 辽宁省百千万人才工程千人层次,2019年

l 大连市青年科技之星,2018年

l 交通运输部系统优秀共产党员,2023年

4. 教学成果获奖

l 辽宁省普通高等学校本科教学成果奖一等奖(最高奖),三大支撑、四个课堂、五创融合,轮机工程专业创新人才培养体系构建与实践,排序1/,2022年

l 辽宁省研究生教育教学成果奖特等奖,“三方联动、四措并举”涉海领域研究生创新人才培养的探索与实践,排序5/9,2022年

l 辽宁省优秀硕士论文指导教师,2021年

l 中国高等教育学会“校企合作 双百计划”案例(负责人),2020年

l 辽宁省一流课程负责人,2020年

l 辽宁省专业学位研究生联合培养示范基地(负责人),2020年

5. 指导学生获奖

l 第九届中国国际互联网大学生创新创业大赛主赛道金奖,2022年

l 第十九届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛全国一等奖,2023年

l 中国政府优秀来华留学生,2020年

l 辽宁省优秀硕士学位论文,仿生触须型摩擦点式触觉感知技术研究,2023年

l 全国能源动力类百篇优秀毕业论文,基于液态金属的摩擦点触须传感器的设计与研究,2023年

l 交通运输部系统“优秀共产党员”,2020年

l 全国海洋智能装备创新大赛获奖特等奖,2020

(二) 国际国内学术组织兼职

1. 社会组织兼职

l 中国科协第十届全国代表大会正式代表,2021年

l 大连市海洋微纳能源与自驱动系统重点实验室主任,2021年

l 中国仿真学会第一届机器人系统仿真专业委员会副主任,2020年-至今

l 中国海洋学会海洋技术装备专业委员会委员,2021年-至今

l 中国高等教育学会工程热物理专业委员会第十四届理事会理事,2021年-至今

l 海军大连舰艇学院客座教授,20023年-至今

l 辽宁省(大连)水下机器人产业技术创新战略联盟理事会秘书长,2019年-至今

l 国际水中机器人辽宁分会联盟负责人,2018年-至今

2. 国际会议及期刊兼职

l 第六届国际纳米能源与纳米系统大会分会场主席,2021年

l 第六届纳米发电机与压电电子学国际会议学术委员会委员,2022年

l 第五届国际纳米能源与纳米系统大会分会场主席,2021年

l 大连海事大学学报编委会委员,2021年-至今

l 水下无人系统学报青年编委会委员,2021年-至今

l sensors期刊electronic sensors section版块编辑,2021年-至今

(三) 国际国内学术会议做重要报告

1. 国际会议邀请报告

l 6th international conference on nanoenergy and nanosystems,applications of triboelectric nanogenerator in ocean engineering,北京,2023-6-17

l 海洋探测与环境效应国际学术会议邀请报告,marine triboelectric nanogenerator and self-powered systems,长沙,2022-11-19

l 第六届纳米发电机与压电电子学国际会议邀请报告, marine self-powered sensors based on triboelectic nanogenerator,瑞典,2022-06-20

l 国际前沿材料大会邀请报告, triboelectric nanogenerator based wave energy harvesting and self-powered sensing toward smart ocean,珠海,2022-05-27

l 中日韩工程技术大会,applications of triboelectric nanogenerator摩擦纳米发电机在船舶与海洋工程领域的关键应用,烟台,2020-9-16

l 中乌产学研用国际合作论坛大会特邀报告,triboelectric nanogenerator as blue energy harvester and self-powered sensor for smart ocean,大连,2021-06-24

2. 国内会议邀请报告

l 第六届全国海洋技术大会,基于摩擦纳米发电机的水下能量捕获技术研究,舟山,2023-5-18

l 第四届水下无人系统技术高峰论坛邀请报告,基于柔性摩擦纳米发电机的水下能源采集研究,西安,2021-12-04

l 第三届太空与海洋创新发展高峰论坛暨海洋新近能源分论坛邀请报告,海洋先进能源,烟台,2022-08-23

l 第四届宁波新能源技术国际研讨会邀请报告,面向水下能量收集的柔性摩擦纳米发电机,宁波, 2021-11-06



面向水下感知领域国家重大需求和国际前沿,多年来一直从事基于新原理、新概念、新材料的水下新质感知技术与装备研究,建立了流致振动摩擦纳米发电耦合理论模型,研发了水下触觉传感技术和流场能量高效捕获技术,实现了水下触觉探测和浮标自供能的典型应用。牵头创建了大连市海洋微纳能源与自驱动系统重点实验室,主持国家重点研发计划纳米前沿专项项目课题1项、国家自然科学基金3项,以及多项省部级课题。在nature communications、research、nano energy、acs nano、applied energy等国内外重要期刊sci检索论文136篇,其中影响因子大于10论文40篇,esi高被引论文3篇,谷歌学术引用4400余次。以第一发明人获得国家发明专利授权17项。研究成果被中央电视台、自然科学基金委、中国科学报、美国大众机械杂志等20多个国际权威媒体转载报道。作为第一完成人获得中国产学研合作促进会产学研合作创新成果奖一等奖、中国航海学会青年科技奖、交通运输部重大创新成果、中国国际高新技术成果交易会优秀产品奖等科技奖励10余项。先后入选中国科协青年人才托举工程、交通运输部青年拔尖人才、辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才、大连市杰出青年科技人才等人才工程,受邀担任中国科协第十次全国代表大会正式代表,中国仿真学会机器人系统仿真专业委员会副主任委员、中国海洋学会海洋技术装备专委会委员、《水下无人系统学报》青年编委等职务。作为分会主席主持纳米发电机与压电电子学国际会议分会场报告,在水下无人系统高峰论坛、海洋探测与环境效应国际学术会议等国内外会议做邀请报告30余次。


1. t. l. du, z. x. chen, f. y. dong, h. cai, y. j. zou, y. w. zhang, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, advances in green triboelectric nanogenerators, advanced functional materials (2024)

2. x. y. guo, f. m. li, z. y. xi, j. j. hong, y. w. wang, z. qian, h. y. yu, c. q. zhu, h. x. du, j. c. si, h. wang, m. y. xu, boosting free-rotating disk triboelectric nanogenerator through alcohol-soluble nylon film, preventing air breakdown, acs applied electronic materials 6(2024) 376-385.

3. y. g. shi, h. wang, p. s. li, x. f. wan, f. y. dong, m. y. xu, adaptive liquid-level sensor based on a dual-mode triboelectric nanogenerator, acs applied electronic materials 6(2023) 531-537.

4. l. a. guo, j. h. liu, g. t. wu, p. xu, s. y. wang, b. liu, y. z. li, t. z. guan, h. wang, j. c. si, t. l. du, m. y. xu, piezoelectric wavy whisker sensor for perceiving underwater vortex from a bluff body, sensors and actuators a-physical 365(2024)

5. y. huang, t. l. du, c. xiang, y. zhang, j. c. si, h. y. yu, h. c. yuan, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, research progress of acoustic energy harvesters based on nanogenerators, international journal of energy research 2023(2023)

6. j. h. liu, p. xu, b. liu, z. y. xi, y. z. li, l. n. guo, t. z. guan, p. zhu, z. c. meng, s. y. wang, h. wang, m. y. xu, underwater biomimetic lateral line sensor based on triboelectric nanogenerator for dynamic pressure monitoring and trajectory perception, small (2023)

7. t. l. du, d. l. shen, z. y. xi, h. y. yu, f. y. dong, c. zhao, m. x. zhu, y. j. zou, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, highly adaptive and broadband triboelectric energy harvester with stretching silicone rubber strip for variable harmonic frequency vibration, nano research (2023)

8. c. zhao, t. l. du, b. ge, z. y. xi, z. qian, y. w. wang, j. p. wang, f. y. dong, d. l. shen, z. h. zhan, m. y. xu, coaxial flexible fiber-shaped triboelectric nanogenerator assisted by deep learning for self-powered vibration monitoring, small (2023) 

9. f. y. dong, h. y. yang, h. x. du, m. x. zhu, z. y. xi, y. l. wang, t. l. du, m. y. xu, triboelectric nanogenerator-embedded intelligent bearing with rolling ball defect diagnosis via signal decomposition and automated machine learning, nano energy 119(2024) 

10. s. y. wang, p. xu, j. h. liu, h. wang, j. c. si, j. deng, m. y. xu, z. l. wang, underwater triboelectric nanogenerator, nano energy 118(2023)

11. y. d. xin, t. l. du, t. liu, p. t. sun, m. x. zhu, l. zheng, h. y. du, y. j. zou, m. y. xu, triboelectric nanogenerator embedded cylindrical roller bearing for rotational energy harvesting and self-powered fault diagnosis, sensors and actuators a-physical 362(2023)

12. c. zhao, z. y. wang, y. w. wang, z. qian, z. tan, q. y. chen, x. x. pan, m. y. xu, y. c. lai, mxene-composite-enabled ultra-long-distance detection and highly sensitive self-powered noncontact triboelectric sensors and their applications in intelligent vehicle perception, advanced functional materials (2023) 

13. b. liu, t. l. du, x. y. xu, j. h. liu, p. zhu, l. a. guo, y. z. li, t. r. wang, y. j. zou, h. wang, p. xu, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, an underwater triboelectric biomechanical energy harvester to power the electronic tag of marine life, journal of marine science and engineering 11(2023) 

14. q. zhao, y. luan, s. li, g. wang, m. y. xu, c. wang, g. m. xie, the influences of self-introspection and credit evaluation on self-organized flocking, applied sciences-basel 13(2023)

15. c. q. zhu, m. w. wu, c. liu, c. xiang, r. j. xu, h. y. yang, z. y. wang, z. y. wang, p. xu, f. z. xing, h. wang, m. y. xu, highly integrated triboelectric-electromagnetic wave energy harvester toward self-powered marine buoy, advanced energy materials (2023) 

16. m. w. wu, c. q. zhu, j. c. si, h. wang, m. y. xu, j. c. mi, recent progress in flow energy harvesting and sensing based on triboelectric nanogenerators, advanced materials technologies 8(2023)

17. r. peng, t. li, h. q. song, s. y. wang, y. x. song, j. s. wang, m. y. xu, in-depth understanding of boosting salinity gradient power generation by ionic diode, iscience 26(2023)

18. c. x. liu, n. x. chen, g. y. xing, r. h. chen, t. shao, b. c. shan, y. l. pan, m. y. xu, a novel thermal tactile sensor based on micro thermoelectric generator for underwater flow direction perception, sensors 23(2023)

19. y. j. zou, j. p. wang, z. y. hu, m. z. sun, j. h. liu, t. l. du, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, advances in triboelectric flow sensor, advanced materials technologies (2023)

20. x. xiao, l. liu, z. y. xi, h. y. yu, w. x. li, q. y. wang, c. zhao, y. huang, m. y. xu, research on an optimized quarter-wavelength resonator-based triboelectric nanogenerator for efficient low-frequency acoustic energy harvesting, nanomaterials 13(2023) 

21. f. m. li, c. w. deng, m. z. sun, x. f. wan, s. w. sun, w. p. xu, t. l. du, y. j. zou, h. c. yuan, x. x. pan, j. n. mi, m. y. xu, a self-powered triboelectric negative ion generator in pipeline, nano energy 112(2023)

22. j. t. qu, q. j. yuan, z. k. li, z. q. wang, f. xu, q. g. fan, m. zhang, x. qian, x. q. wang, x. h. wang, m. y. xu, all-in-one strain-triboelectric sensors based on environment-friendly ionic hydrogel for wearable sensing and underwater soft robotic grasping, nano energy 111(2023) 

23. x. xiao, q. y. wang, b. h. yao, l. a. guo, c. q. zhu, c. zhao, l. liu, m. y. xu, research on low-frequency vibration monitoring sensor based on a cantilever-beam-structured triboelectric nanogenerator, journal of marine science and engineering 11(2023)

24. l. a. guo, g. t. wu, q. y. wang, t. li, b. h. yao, y. j. zou, m. y. xu, advances in triboelectric pressure sensors, sensors and actuators a-physical 355(2023) 

25. t. l. du, f. y. dong, z. y. xi, m. x. zhu, y. j. zou, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, recent advances in mechanical vibration energy harvesters based on triboelectric nanogenerators, small 19(2023)

26. p. xu, j. x. zheng, j. h. liu, x. y. liu, x. y. wang, s. y. wang, t. z. guan, x. p. fu, m. y. xu, g. m. xie, z. l. wang, deep learning assisted underwater 3d tactile tensegrity, research 2023(2023)

27. h. y. yu, z. y. xi, y. p. zhang, r. j. xu, c. zhao, y. w. wang, x. y. guo, y. huang, j. c. mi, y. j. lin, t. l. du, m. y. xu, high performance additional mass enhanced film structure triboelectric nanogenerator for scavenging vibration energy in broadband frequency range, nano energy 107(2023)

28. y. w. wang, z. qian, c. zhao, y. wang, k. jiang, j. p. wang, z. c. meng, f. m. li, c. q. zhu, p. f. chen, h. wang, m. y. xu, highly adaptive triboelectric-electromagnetic hybrid nanogenerator for scavenging flow energy and self-powered marine wireless sensing, advanced materials technologies 8(2023)

29. p. xu, j. x. zheng, x. y. wang, s. y. wang, j. h. liu, x. y. liu, g. m. xie, j. tao, m. y. xu, design and implementation of lightweight auv with multisensor aided for underwater intervention tasks, ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii-express briefs 69(2022) 5009-5013.

30. h. y. yang, h. wang, y. y. gao, x. y. liu, m. y. xu, a significant wave height forecast framework with end-to-end dynamic modeling and lag features length optimization, ocean engineering 266(2022) 

31. h. c. yuan, q. li, r. peng, c. wang, p. xu, x. x. pan, m. y. xu, nonsingular integral terminal sliding mode control for resonant frequency tracking of electromagnetic acoustic transducers (emats) based on fixed-time strategy, micromachines 13(2022)

32. t. l. du, f. y. dong, m. x. zhu, z. y. xi, f. m. li, y. j. zou, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, self-powered and robust marine exhaust gas flow sensor based on bearing type triboelectric nanogenerator, journal of marine science and engineering 10(2022)

33. j. x. zheng, p. xu, z. c. meng, j. h. liu, s. y. wang, x. y. wang, g. m. xie, j. tao, m. y. xu, design, fabrication, and characterization of a hybrid bionic spherical robotics with multilegged feedback mechanism, ieee robotics and automation letters 7(2022) 8659-8666.

34. y. j. zou, m. z. sun, w. p. xu, x. zhao, t. l. du, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, advances in marine self-powered vibration sensor based on triboelectric nanogenerator, journal of marine science and engineering 10(2022)

35. q. x. zhang, m. he, x. x. pan, d. d. huang, h. h. long, m. s. jia, z. q. zhao, c. zhang, m. y. xu, s. s. li, high performance liquid-solid tubular triboelectric nanogenerator for scavenging water wave energy, nano energy 103(2022)

36. j. tan, s. l. sun, d. y. jiang, m. y. xu, x. y. chen, y. c. song, z. l. wang, advances in triboelectric nanogenerator powered electrowetting-on-dielectric devices: mechanism, structures, and applications, materials today 58(2022) 201-220. 

37. h. y. yang, h. wang, y. ma, m. y. xu, prediction of wave energy flux in the bohai sea through automated machine learning, journal of marine science and engineering 10(2022)

38. j. h. liu, p. xu, j. x. zheng, x. y. liu, x. y. wang, s. y. wang, t. z. guan, g. m. xie, m. y. xu, whisker-inspired and self-powered triboelectric sensor for underwater obstacle detection and collision avoidance, nano energy 101(2022)

39. x. y. wang, c. q. zhu, m. w. wu, j. l. zhang, p. f. chen, h. chen, c. x. jia, x. liang, m. y. xu, a novel flow sensing and controlling system based on the flapping film triboelectric nanogenerator toward smart factories, sensors and actuators a-physical 344(2022)

40. t. l. du, f. y. dong, r. j. xu, y. j. zou, h. wang, x. j. jiang, z. y. xi, h. c. yuan, y. w. zhang, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, a drill pipe-embedded vibration energy harvester and self-powered sensor based on annular type triboelectric nanogenerator for measurement while drilling system, advanced materials technologies 7(2022)

41. h. f. zhao, m. y. xu, m. r. shu, j. an, w. b. ding, x. y. liu, s. y. wang, c. zhao, h. y. yu, h. wang, c. wang, x. p. fu, x. x. pan, g. m. xie, z. l. wang, underwater wireless communication via teng-generated maxwell's displacement current, nature communications 13(2022) 

42. z. h. lian, q. y. wang, c. q. zhu, c. zhao, q. zhao, y. wang, z. y. hu, r. j. xu, y. k. lin, t. y. chen, x. y. liu, x. y. xu, l. liu, x. xiao, m. y. xu, a cantilever beam-based triboelectric nanogenerator as a drill pipe transverse vibration energy harvester powering intelligent exploitation system, sensors 22(2022)

43. y. wang, z. y. hu, j. p. wang, x. y. liu, q. f. shi, y. w. wang, l. qiao, y. h. li, h. y. yang, j. h. liu, l. y. zhou, z. q. yang, c. k. lee, m. y. xu, deep learning-assisted triboelectric smart mats for personnel comprehensive monitoring toward maritime safety, acs applied materials & interfaces 14(2022) 24832-24839.

44. c. x. liu, j. h. liu, j. h. liu, c. zhao, b. c. shan, n. x. chen, z. h. zhou, c. f. wang, x. x. pan, j. c. mi, m. y. xu, a wind-driven rotational direct current triboelectric nanogenerator for self-powered inactivation of seawater microorganisms, materials today energy 26(2022)

45. m. w. wu, c. w. li, c. q. zhu, g. c. wang, m. y. xu, j. c. mi, on flapping jets induced by a fluttering film and from circular nozzles of smooth contraction, orifice plate and long pipe, experiments in fluids 63(2022)

46. y. j. zou, m. z. sun, f. yan, t. l. du, z. y. xi, f. m. li, c. q. zhu, h. wang, j. h. zhao, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, a high-performance flag-type triboelectric nanogenerator for scavenging wind energy toward self-powered iots, materials 15(2022)

47. q. q. zhang, z. y. xi, y. w. wang, l. liu, h. y. yu, h. wang, m. y. xu, multi-tube helmholtz resonator based triboelectric nanogenerator for broadband acoustic energy harvesting, frontiers in materials 9(2022) 

48. p. xu, j. h. liu, x. y. liu, x. y. wang, j. x. zheng, s. y. wang, t. y. chen, h. wang, c. wang, x. p. fu, g. m. xie, j. tao, m. y. xu, a bio-inspired and self-powered triboelectric tactile sensor for underwater vehicle perception, npj flexible electronics 6(2022) 

49. j. y. chang, c. q. zhu, z. m. wang, y. wang, c. s. li, q. hu, r. j. xu, t. l. du, m. y. xu, l. feng, a full-set and self-powered ammonia leakage monitor system based on cnts-ppy and triboelectric nanogenerator for zero-carbon vessels, nano energy 98(2022)

50. f. m. li, x. f. wan, j. j. hong, x. y. guo, m. z. sun, h. j. lv, h. wang, j. c. mi, j. cheng, x. x. pan, m. y. xu, z. l. wang, a self-powered and efficient triboelectric dehydrator for separating water-in-oil emulsions with ultrahigh moisture content, advanced materials technologies 7(2022)

51. s. y. wang, p. xu, x. y. wang, j. x. zheng, x. y. liu, j. h. liu, t. y. chen, h. wang, g. m. xie, j. tao, m. y. xu, underwater bionic whisker sensor based on triboelectric nanogenerator for passive vortex perception, nano energy 97(2022)

52. t. l. du, b. ge, a. e. mtui, c. zhao, f. y. dong, y. j. zou, h. wang, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, a robust silicone rubber strip-based triboelectric nanogenerator for vibration energy harvesting and multi-functional self-powered sensing, nanomaterials 12(2022)

53. y. d. xin, t. l. du, c. h. liu, z. y. hu, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, a ring-type triboelectric nanogenerator for rotational mechanical energy harvesting and self-powered rotational speed sensing, micromachines 13(2022) 

54. z. y. zhang, z. y. hu, y. wang, y. w. wang, q. q. zhang, d. h. liu, h. wang, m. y. xu, multi-tunnel triboelectric nanogenerator for scavenging mechanical energy in marine floating bodies, journal of marine science and engineering 10(2022)

55. y. p. zhao, z. q. fan, c. w. bi, h. wang, j. c. mi, m. y. xu, on hydrodynamic and electrical characteristics of a self-powered triboelectric nanogenerator based buoy under water ripples, applied energy 308(2022) 

56. h. wang, c. q. zhu, w. c. wang, r. j. xu, p. f. chen, t. l. du, t. x. xue, z. y. wang, m. y. xu, a stackable triboelectric nanogenerator for wave-driven marine buoys, nanomaterials 12(2022)

57. c. zhao, d. h. liu, y. w. wang, z. y. hu, q. q. zhang, z. y. zhang, h. wang, t. l. du, y. j. zou, h. c. yuan, x. x. pan, j. c. mi, m. y. xu, highly-stretchable rope-like triboelectric nanogenerator for self-powered monitoring in marine structures, nano energy 94(2022)

58. t. c. zhao, b. niu, g. c. xie, c. hu, b. y. liu, m. y. xu, y. ma, a high output triboelectric-electromagnetic hybrid generator based on in-phase parallel connection, advanced materials technologies 7(2022) 

59. y. wang, t. y. chen, s. w. sun, x. y. liu, z. y. hu, z. h. lian, l. liu, q. f. shi, h. wang, j. c. mi, t. m. zhou, c. k. lee, m. y. xu, a humidity resistant and high performance triboelectric nanogenerator enabled by vortex-induced vibration for scavenging wind energy, nano research 15(2022) 3246-3253. 

60. x. y. wang, j. h. liu, s. y. wang, j. x. zheng, t. z. guan, x. y. liu, t. y. wang, t. y. chen, h. wang, g. m. xie, p. xu, j. tao, m. y. xu, a self-powered triboelectric coral-like sensor integrated buoy for irregular and ultra-low frequency ocean wave monitoring, advanced materials technologies 7(2022)

61. h. c. yuan, h. y. yu, x. y. liu, h. f. zhao, y. p. zhang, z. y. xi, q. q. zhang, l. liu, y. j. lin, x. x. pan, m. y. xu, a high-performance coniform helmholtz resonator-based triboelectric nanogenerator for acoustic energy harvesting, nanomaterials 11(2021) 

62. j. tan, p. h. tian, m. y. sun, h. c. wang, n. sun, g. j. chen, y. c. song, d. y. jiang, h. jiang, m. y. xu, a transparent electrowetting-on-dielectric device driven by triboelectric nanogenerator for extremely fast anti-fogging, nano energy 92(2022)

63. z. y. hu, j. p. wang, y. wang, c. wang, y. w. wang, z. y. zhang, p. xu, t. c. zhao, y. luan, c. liu, l. qiao, m. r. shu, j. c. mi, x. x. pan, m. y. xu, a robust and wearable triboelectric tactile patch as intelligent human-machine interface, materials 14(2021) 

64. p. xu, j. tao, m. y. xu, g. m. xie, practical formation control for multiple anonymous robots system with unknown nonlinear disturbances, applied sciences-basel 11(2021)

65. y. wang, x. y. liu, y. w. wang, h. wang, h. wang, s. l. zhang, t. c. zhao, m. y. xu, z. l. wang, flexible seaweed-like triboelectric nanogenerator as a wave energy harvester powering marine internet of things, acs nano 15(2021) 15700-15709.

66. y. wang, x. y. liu, t. y. chen, h. wang, c. q. zhu, h. y. yu, l. g. song, x. x. pan, j. c. mi, c. lee, m. y. xu, an underwater flag-like triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting ocean current energy under extremely low velocity condition, nano energy 90(2021)

67. c. m. huang, q. t. li, j. li, h. z. guo, w. h. hao, k. x. sheng, y. s. an, j. y. chen, x. y. zhang, m. y. xu, research on dynamics of bouncing ball in triboelectric nanogenerator, journal of micromechanics and microengineering 31(2021)

68. p. xu, x. y. wang, s. y. wang, t. y. chen, j. h. liu, j. x. zheng, w. x. li, m. y. xu, j. tao, g. m. xie, a triboelectric-based artificial whisker for reactive obstacle avoidance and local mapping, research 2021(2021) 

69. t. c. zhao, m. y. xu, x. xiao, y. ma, z. li, z. l. wang, recent progress in blue energy harvesting for powering distributed sensors in ocean, nano energy 88(2021) 

70. y. wang, d. h. liu, z. y. hu, t. y. chen, z. y. zhang, h. wang, t. l. du, s. l. zhang, z. q. zhao, t. m. zhou, m. y. xu, a triboelectric-nanogenerator-based gas-solid two-phase flow sensor for pneumatic conveying system detecting, advanced materials technologies 6(2021)

71. h. wang, z. q. fan, t. c. zhao, j. l. dong, s. y. wang, y. wang, x. xiao, c. x. liu, x. x. pan, y. p. zhao, m. y. xu, sandwich-like triboelectric nanogenerators integrated self-powered buoy for navigation safety, nano energy 84(2021)

72. t. l. du, x. s. zuo, f. y. dong, s. q. li, a. e. mtui, y. j. zou, p. zhang, j. h. zhao, y. w. zhang, p. t. sun, m. y. xu, a self-powered and highly accurate vibration sensor based on bouncing-ball triboelectric nanogenerator for intelligent ship machinery monitoring, micromachines 12(2021)

73. s. wang, y. wang, d. h. liu, z. y. zhang, w. x. li, c. x. liu, t. l. du, x. xiao, l. g. song, h. c. pang, m. y. xu, a robust and self-powered tilt sensor based on annular liquid-solid interfacing triboelectric nanogenerator for ship attitude sensing, sensors and actuators a-physical 317(2021)

74. j. an, z. m. wang, t. jiang, p. f. chen, x. liang, j. j. shao, j. h. nie, m. y. xu, z. l. wang, reliable mechatronic indicator for self-powered liquid sensing toward smart manufacture and safe transportation, materials today 41(2020) 10-20.

75. y. wang, e. yang, t. y. chen, j. y. wang, z. y. hu, j. c. mi, x. x. pan, m. y. xu, a novel humidity resisting and wind direction adapting flag-type triboelectric nanogenerator for wind energy harvesting and speed sensing, nano energy 78(2020) 

76. d. y. jiang, z. fan, h. c. wang, m. y. xu, g. j. chen, y. c. song, z. l. wang, triboelectric nanogenerator powered electrowetting-on-dielectric actuator for concealed aquatic microbots, acs nano 14(2020) 15394-15402.

77. y. wang, j. y. wang, x. xiao, s. y. wang, p. t. kien, j. l. dong, j. c. mi, x. x. pan, h. f. wang, m. y. xu, multi-functional wind barrier based on triboelectric nanogenerator for power generation, self-powered wind speed sensing and highly efficient windshield, nano energy 73(2020)

78. d. y. jiang, y. p. su, k. wang, y. t. wang, m. y. xu, m. dong, g. j. chen, a triboelectric and pyroelectric hybrid energy harvester for recovering energy from low-grade waste fluids, nano energy 70(2020)

79. p. xu, g. m. xie, j. tao, m. y. xu, q. zhou, observer-based event-triggered circle formation control for first- and second-order multiagent systems, complexity 2020(2020)

80. t. k. phan, s. wang, y. wang, h. wang, x. xiao, x. x. pan, m. y. xu, j. c. mi, a self-powered and low pressure loss gas flowmeter based on fluid-elastic flutter driven triboelectric nanogenerator, sensors 20(2020) 

81. p. xu, w. x. li, j. tao, m. dehmer, f. emmert-streib, g. m. xie, m. y. xu, q. zhou, distributed event-triggered circular formation control for multiple anonymous mobile robots with order preservation and obstacle avoidance, ieee access 8(2020) 167288-167299.

82. p. xu, h. f. zhao, g. m. xie, j. tao, m. y. xu, pull-based distributed event-triggered circle formation control for multi-agent systems with directed topologies, applied sciences-basel 9(2019)

83. h. f. zhao, x. xiao, p. xu, t. c. zhao, l. g. song, x. x. pan, j. c. mi, m. y. xu, z. l. wang, dual-tube helmholtz resonator-based triboelectric nanogenerator for highly efficient harvesting of acoustic energy, advanced energy materials 9(2019)

84. x. q. zhang, m. yu, z. r. ma, h. ouyang, y. zou, s. l. zhang, h. k. niu, x. x. pan, m. y. xu, z. li, z. l. wang, self-powered distributed water level sensors based on liquid-solid triboelectric nanogenerators for ship draft detecting, advanced functional materials 29(2019)

85. x. xiao, x. q. zhang, s. y. wang, h. ouyang, p. f. chen, l. g. song, h. c. yuan, y. l. ji, p. h. wang, z. li, m. y. xu, z. l. wang, honeycomb structure inspired triboelectric nanogenerator for highly effective vibration energy harvesting and self-powered engine condition monitoring, advanced energy materials 9(2019)

86. d. y. jiang, f. guo, m. y. xu, j. c. cai, s. cong, m. jia, g. j. chen, y. c. song, conformal fluorine coated carbon paper for an energy harvesting water wheel, nano energy 58(2019) 842-851.

87. m. y. xu, s. wang, s. l. zhang, w. b. ding, p. t. kien, c. wang, z. li, x. x. pan, z. l. wang, a highly-sensitive wave sensor based on liquid-solid interfacing triboelectric nanogenerator for smart marine equipment, nano energy 57(2019) 574-580.

88. m. y. xu, t. c. zhao, c. wang, s. l. zhang, z. li, x. x. pan, z. l. wang, high power density tower-like triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting arbitrary directional water wave energy, acs nano 13(2019) 1932-1939.
