2009.9—2013.6 武汉理工大学,汽车工程学院,热能与动力工程,工学学士
2013.9—2020.3 大连理工大学,能源与动力学院,能源与环境工程,工学博士
2020.6—至今 大连海事大学,轮机工程学院,讲师
2018.7—2019.7 英国剑桥大学,institute for energy and environmental flows (原bp institute),访问学者
1. 微尺度多相流动、高效传热及传质研究
2. 船舶新能源与燃料电池研究
3. co2捕集、利用与封存技术(ccus)研究
4. 基于深度学习的可视化三维图像分析
1. 《燃料电池与氢能》
2. 《能源化学》
[1] kuang hailang#, wu bohao#, wang jingye, fu jingguo, yu chunrong, zhang jifeng, ji yulong. enhanced interface heat transfer based on gallium-based liquid metal infiltrated into vertically aligned copper nanowire arrays[j]. applied thermal engineering, 2023, 233: 121119.(sci 1区, top期刊)
[2] kuang hailang, wu bohao, wang jingye, fu jingguo, feng yanmin, yu chunrong, wang zongyu, zhang jifeng, ji yulong. wettability and thermal contact resistance of thermal interface material composited by gallium-based liquid metal on copper foam[j]. international journal of heat and mass transfer, 2022, 199: 123444.(sci 1区, top期刊)
[3] lan ziliang, cui daan, cheng mojie, ji yulong, wu bohao, meng tao, tu baofeng. simulation and analysis of sintering stress and warpage displacement in anode supported planar solid oxide fuel cells[j]. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2022, 47(60): 25378-25390.(sci 1区, top期刊)
[4] zhang weixin, wu bohao, lv pengfei, shaohua li, jiang lanlan. study on seepage and mass transfer characteristics during co2 storage in saline aquifer[m]//in book: proceedings of the fourth international technical symposium on deepwater oil and gas engineering. 2022: 210-220.
[5] jiang lanlan#, wu bohao#, liu yu, suekane tetsuya, wang dayong. dynamic evolution of the co2-brine interfacial area during brine imbibition in porous media[j]. international journal of heat and mass transfer, 2019, 128: 1125-1135.(sci 1区, top期刊)
[6] wu bohao, li xingbo, teng ying, lv pengfei, liu yu, luo tingting, zheng jianan, wang dayong, jiang lanlan. characterizing the dissolution rate of co2-brine in porous media under gaseous and supercritical conditions[j]. applied sciences, 2018, 8(1): 4.(sci 2区)
[7] jiang lanlan, wu bohao, li xingbo, wang sijia, wang dayong, zhou xinhuan, zhang yi. assessment of fluid distribution and flow properties in two phase fluid flow using x-ray ct technology[j]. heat and mass transfer, 2018, 54(4): 1217-1224.(sci 3区)
[8] jiang lanlan, wu bohao, song yongchen, yang mingjun, wang dayong, liu yu, xue ziqiu. mass transfer coefficient measurement during brine flush in a co2-filled packed bed by x-ray ct scanning[j]. international journal of heat and mass transfer, 2017, 115: 615-624.(sci 1区, top期刊)
[9] wu bohao, jiang lanlan, liu yu, yang mingjun, wang dayong, lv pengfei, song yongchen. experimental study on two-phase flow properties of co2 containing n2 in porous media[j]. rsc advances, 2016, 6: 59360-59369.(sci 2区)
[10] 武博浩,蒋兰兰,刘瑜,宋永臣,吕鹏飞,陆国欢,多孔介质中 co2-盐水的流动特性研究。(2015年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术年会优秀论文)
[1] 宋永臣,武博浩,蒋兰兰等. 一种应用ct测量多孔介质内气液间舍伍德数的装置及方法,专利授权号201610913405.3,发明专利
[2] 宋永臣,蒋兰兰,武博浩等. 一种应用ct测量多孔介质内co2‑盐水界面面积变化的方法,专利授权号201710467211.x,发明专利
[3] 宋永臣,蒋兰兰,武博浩等. 一种应用ct测量多孔介质内co2在盐水中的溶解速率的方法,专利授权号201710909582.9,发明专利
[4] 宋永臣,蒋兰兰,武博浩等. 一种用ct计算多孔介质内气液间舍伍德数经验公式的方法,专利授权号201610910871.6,发明专利
[5] 刘瑜,宋永臣,武博浩等. 一种应用ct测量油气最小混相压力的装置与方法,专利授权号201410098384.5,发明专利
[1] the cambridge centre for climate science (ccfcs) poster session 2019,海报展示
[2] the bp-schlumberger energy masterclass 2018,海报展示
[3] the 9th international conference on applied energy, icae2017,口头汇报
[4] 13th international conference on greenhouse gas control technologies, ghgt-13,海报展示
[5] 2nd international conference of interfacial phenomena and heat transfer, ipht2017,口头汇报
[6] the 8th international conference on applied energy, icae2016,口头汇报
[7] 2015年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术年会,口头汇报
[1] 科技部国家重点研发计划,氢能驱动典型船舶关键技术,在研,参与
[2] 科技部国家重点研发计划,液态金属高温脉动热管及应用关键基础研究,结题,参与
[3] 科技部国家重点研发计划,co2地质封存和利用中热力学性质与运移规律,结题,参与
[4] 国家重大创新工程支撑项目,水冷效率及热测试,在研,参与
[5] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,天然气水合物开采关键基础科学问题研究,结题,参与
[6] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,多孔介质内含杂质co2-咸水微观界面演变与传质机理研究,在研,主持
[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于电场强化的船舶碳捕集co2微气泡生成机理研究,在研,参与
[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,多孔介质内孔隙尺度co2-水两相流动特性与捕获机理研究,结题,参与
[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,相变-应力作用下水合物沉积物孔隙结构-渗流属性的nmr关系研究,结题,参与
[10] 装备预研领域基金,高性能热界面材料基础研究,结题,参与