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1998年-2005年, 大连理工大学, 化工过程机械, 博士

1989年-1993年, 郑州工学院, 化工工艺, 学士


2022年-至今 辽宁省燃料电池船舶动力工程研究中心主任

2017年-至今 大连海事大学科技处副处长

2012年-至今 大连海事大学轮机工程学院,教授,博导

2019年-至今 辽宁省高校新能源船舶创新团队负责人

2016-03 至 2016-09 瑞典lund university,新能源工程系

2012-09 至 2013-09 美国university of delaware,机械工程系

2007年-2012年 大连海事大学轮机工程学院,副教授,硕导

2005年-2007年 大连海事大学轮机工程学院,讲师,硕导






杨国刚,男,工学博士,大连海事大学科技处副处长,教授,博士生导师。辽宁省高校创新团队负责人,辽宁省燃料电池船舶动力工程研究中心主任,大连市新能源船舶技术创新中心主任。近年来一直致力于新能源及替代燃料在船舶动力应用的基础理论与应用技术研究,2021年初联合校内多个研究团队,先后解决了船舶氢气加注、氢气瓶组轻量化、涉氢安全设计、船用燃料电池系统设计、船舶混动系统设计等技术难题,开发了国内首艘燃料电池动力船舶。作为专家参与了相关法规与指南的编制工作,在国内首次召开聚焦燃料电池船舶应用的国际会议,为推动燃料电池实船应用做出较大贡献。近年来研究方面延伸到甲醇、lng、氨等替代燃料在船舶应用的安全、技术以及经济评价等方面。近年来主持、参与了包括国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目、中国博士后基金面上项目、辽宁省自然科学基金、大连市科技创新基金等在内的科研项目10余项,获得科研经费近千万元。获得氢能船舶相关国家专利10余项,在国际和国内期刊上已发表论文150余篇,被 sci、ei检索100余篇。














[1] li shian, cheng yuanzhe, shen qiuwan, wang chongyang, peng chengdong & yang guogang. (2024). numerical analysis on the thermal management of phase change material with fins for lithium-ion batteries. international journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow (3), 1170-1188.

[2] sheng zhonghua, yang guogang, gao wei, li shian, shen qiuwan & sun han. (2024). modeling of non-homogeneous premixed hydrogen-air flame acceleration and deflagration to detonation transition in an obstructed channel. international journal of hydrogen energy (pa), 1209-1222.

[3] an zuxu, jia huidong, yang guogang, li shian & shen qiuwan. (2023). modelling and simulation analysis of the fuel cell hybrid propulsion system. journal of physics: conference series (1),

[4] jiang ziheng, yang guogang, shen qiuwan, li shian, liao jiadong, yang xiaoxing & sun juncai. (2023). liquid water transport phenomena in the porous transport layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on lattice boltzmann simulation. materials today communications

[5] zou long, shen qiuwan, yang guogang, li shian & huang naibao. (2023). improved hydrogen production efficiency of a photovoltaic-electrolysis system with p&o algorithm: a case study. chemical physics letters

[6] chen gaokui, shen qiuwan, li shian, zhang xin, cai zhongwen & yang guogang. (2023). preparation, characterization and catalytic performance of high stability of lacoo3@cuo composite with core-shell structure for methanol steam reforming. journal of sol-gel science and technology (3), 721-733.

[7] lin peijian, wang hongyu, wang guodong, li jirui, yang guogang, li shian & sun juncai. (2023). design of a novel multidimensional forced-convections flow channel with both blockages and under-rib channels for pemfc. journal of energy engineering (5),

[8] li shian, wang chongyang, shen qiuwan, cheng yuanzhe, peng chengdong, yang guogang & sunden bengt ake. (2023). numerical study on thermal performance of cold plates with leaf type channels for lithium-ion batteries. international journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow (10), 3519-3534.

[9] jiang ziheng,yang guogang,li shian,shen qiuwan,liao jiadong,wang hao... & liu zheng. (2023). pore scale study of heat and mass transfer in ice-containing gas diffusion layer of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. journal of power sources

[10] jiang ziheng,yang guogang,shen qiuwan,li shian,liao jiadong,wang hao... & liu zheng. (2023). pore scale study of ice melting and multiphase flow in gas diffusion layer with porosity gradient in pemfc. applied thermal engineering

[11] liao jiadong,yang guogang,shen qiuwan,li shian,jiang ziheng,wang hao... & huang naibao. (2023). pore-scale study of effects of cathode catalytic layer component gradient distribution and perforation on reaction transport processes. materials today communications

[12] wang hao, yang guogang, li shian, shen qiuwan, li yue & wang renjie. (2023). pore-scale modeling of liquid water transport in compressed gas diffusion layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells considering fiber anisotropy.. membranes (6),

[13] shen qiuwan, cai zhongwen, chen gaokui, zhang xin, li shian & yang guogang. (2023). optimization of the sol gel synthesis process parameters by orthogonal experiment of novel spinel oxide catalyst cufe1.2al0.8o4 with improved performance for methanol steam reforming. journal of sol-gel science and technology (2), 490-502.

[14] zou long, shen qiuwan, liao jiadong, xu lingyi, yang guogang & li shian. (2023). effect of porous transport layer parameters on the proton exchange membrane electrolyzer performance. chemical physics letters

[15] liao jiadong,yang guogang,shen qiuwan,li shian,jiang ziheng,wang hao... & sun bing. (2023). simulation of the purging process of liquid water in a gas diffusion layer with a wetting gradient using the lattice boltzmann method. transport in porous media (2), 335-353.

[16] shen qiuwan, dong shuangshuang, li shian & yang guogang. (2023). numerical study on performance of ht-pemfc with gradient design of pt loading. electrochimica acta

[17] shen qiuwan, cai zhongwen, zhang xin, chen gaokui, yang guogang & li shian. (2023). novel spinel oxide catalysts cufexal2−xo4 with high h2 selectivity with low co generation in methanol steam reforming. journal of alloys and compounds

[18] yang guogang,wang hao,su fengmin,li shian,zhang guoling,sun juncai... & chen pengyu. (2023). effect of porosity gradient in cathode gas diffusion layer on electrochemical performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. korean journal of chemical engineering (7), 1598-1605.

[19] yang guogang,liao jiadong,shen qiuwan,li shian,jiang ziheng,wang hao... & huang naibao. (2023). simulation of the purging process of randomly distributed droplets in a gas diffusion layer using lattice boltzmann method. korean journal of chemical engineering (7), 1623-1632.

[20] wang hao,yang guogang,shen qiuwan,li shian,su fengmin,jiang ziheng... & sun juncai. (2023). effects of compression and porosity gradients on two-phase behavior in gas diffusion layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. membranes (3), 303-303.

[21] shen qiuwan, shao zicheng, li shian, yang guogang & sunden bengt. (2023). effects of b-site al doping on microstructure characteristics and hydrogen production performance of novel lanixal1-xo3-δ perovskite in methanol steam reforming. energy

[22] li shian, peng chengdong, shen qiuwan, cheng yuanzhe, wang chongyang & yang guogang. (2023). numerical study on thermal stress of high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells during start-up process. membranes (2), 215-215.

[23] liao jiadong,yang guogang,shen qiuwan,li shian,jiang ziheng,wang hao... & sun juncai. (2023). simulation of liquid water removal in the gas diffusion layer with polytetrafluoroethylene random shedding using lattice boltzmann method. materials today communications

[24] liao jiadong, yang guogang, li shian, shen qiuwan, jiang ziheng, wang hao & zhang guoling. (2023). study of the effect of polytetrafluoroethylene shedding from channel surface on droplet flow characteristics using lattice boltzmann method. materials today communications

[25] li zheng,yang guogang,shen qiuwan,li shian,wang hao,liao jiadong... & zhang guoling. (2022). transient multi-physics modeling and performance degradation evaluation of direct internal reforming solid oxide fuel cell focusing on carbon deposition effect. energies (1), 124-124.

[26] wang chenyong,zhang hongpeng,huo dian,yang zhaoxu,zhang xingming,li guobin... & sun yuqing. (2023). a sensor containing high permeability material for mechanical wear particle detection. sensors and actuators: a. physical

[27] xu wenfeng, sun peng, zhong jingjun, han shaobing & yang guogang. (2022). effects of fusion height of tip winglet on the clearance flow in a compressor cascade. proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part g: journal of aerospace engineering (15), 3313-3324.

[28] wang hao,yang guogang,su fengmin,li shian,shen qiuwan,liao jiadong... & li zheng. (2022). cathode electrochemical performance of pemfcs with compressed gas diffusion layer: a pore-scale investigation. journal of the electrochemical society (12),

[29] sheng zhonghua, yang guogang, gao wei, li shian, shen qiuwan & sun han. (2023). study on the dynamic process of premixed hydrogen-air deflagration flame propagating in a closed space with obstacles. fuel (p1),

[30] li shian, wei rongqiang, shen qiuwan, liu yihui, yang zhi, yang guogang & sundén bengt. (2022). performance improvement of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with wavy flow channels: an experimental study. international journal of energy research (13), 18511-18517.

[31] zhang guoling,yang guogang,li shian,shen qiuwan,jiang ziheng,li zheng... & zhang hongpeng. (2022). molecular dynamics study on the impacts of cations in sea salt aerosol on transport performance of nafion membranes for pemfcs in marine application. international journal of hydrogen energy (63), 27139-27149.

[32] shen qiuwan, cai zhongwen, shao zicheng, yang guogang & li shian. (2022). improved performance of bimetallic oxides cuo–y2o3 synthesized by sol–gel for methanol steam reforming. journal of the american ceramic society (11), 6839-6850.

[33] huang heping, gao chang, yang guogang & huang naibao. (2022). research on the performance of carbon film formed on thin stainless steel bipolar plates of pemfc by laser irradiating. modern physics letters b (18),

[34] zhang guoling,yang guogang,shen qiuwan,li shian,li zheng,liao jiadong... & ye weiqiang. (2022). study on the transport performance degradation of nafion membrane due to the presence of na and ca2 using molecular dynamics simulations. journal of power sources

[35] shen qiuwan, shao zicheng, cai zhongwen, yan min, yang guogang & li shian. (2022). enhancement of hydrogen production performance of novel perovskite lani0.4al0.6o3‐δ supported on mof a520‐derived λ‐al2o3. international journal of energy research (11), 15709-15721.

[36] gao chang, huang heping, wang shusen, yang guogang & huang naibao. (2022). micro/nano blocks of ni/mno composites synthesized by microwave-assisted solvothermal for supercapacitors. modern physics letters b (16),

[37] sheng zhonghua,yang guogang,li shian,shen qiuwan,sun han,jiang ziheng... & wang hao. (2022). modeling of turbulent deflagration behaviors of premixed hydrogen-air in closed space with obstacles. process safety and environmental protection 506-519.

[38] shao zicheng, shen qiuwan, ding haoran, jiang yaowei, li shian & yang guogang. (2022). synthesis, characterization, and methanol steam reforming performance for hydrogen production on perovskite-type oxides srco1-xcuxo3-δ. ceramics international (8), 11836-11848.

[39] liao jiadong, yang guogang, li shian, shen qiuwan, jiang ziheng, wang hao & li zheng. (2022). study of droplet flow characteristics on a wetting gradient surface in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell channel using lattice boltzmann method. journal of power sources

[40] li zheng, yang guogang, cui daan, li shian, shen qiuwan, zhang guoling & zhang hongpeng. (2022). modeling and evaluating of thermo-electro-chemo-mechanical behavior for pre-reformed methane-fueled solid oxide fuel cell. journal of power sources

[41] li shian, peng chengdong, shen qiuwan, wang chongyang, cheng yuanzhe & yang guogang. (2021). impact of membrane phosphoric acid doping level on transport phenomena and performance in high temperature pem fuel cells. membranes (11), 817-817.

[42] liao jiadong,yang guogang,shen qiuwan,li shian,jiang ziheng,wang hao... & zhang hongpeng. (2021). effects of the structure, wettability, and rib-channel width ratio on liquid water transport in gas diffusion layer using the lattice boltzmann method. energy & fuels (20), 16799-16813.

[43] xu wenfeng, sun peng & yang guogang. (2021). effect of the bionic chamber position on the aerodynamic performance in a transonic compressor cascade. aerospace science and technology

[44] wang hao,yang guogang,li shian,shen qiuwan,liao jiadong,jiang ziheng... & su fengmin. (2021). effect of binder and compression on the transport parameters of a multilayer gas diffusion layer. energy & fuels (18), 15058-15073.

[45] zhang guoling,yang guogang,li shian,shen qiuwan,wang hao,li zheng... & ye weiqiang. (2021). effects of hydration and temperature on the microstructure and transport properties of nafion polyelectrolyte membrane: a molecular dynamics simulation. membranes (9), 695-695.

[46] shen qiuwan, jiang yuhang, li shian, yang guogang, zhang hongpeng, zhang zhonggang & pan xinxiang. (2021). hydrogen production by ethanol steam reforming over ni-doped lanixco1−xo3−δ perovskites prepared by edta-citric acid sol–gel method. journal of sol-gel science and technology (2), 420-429.

[47] wang hao,yang guogang,li shian,shen qiuwan,liao jiadong,jiang ziheng... & pan xinxiang. (2021). numerical study on permeability of gas diffusion layer with porosity gradient using lattice boltzmann method. international journal of hydrogen energy (42), 22107-22121.

[48] li zheng, yang guogang, li shian, shen qiuwan, yang facai, wang han & pan xinxiang. (2021). modeling and analysis of microchannel autothermal methane steam reformer focusing on thermal characteristic and thermo-mechanically induced stress behavior. international journal of hydrogen energy (38), 19822-19834.

[49] shen qiuwan, dong shuangshuang, li shian, yang guogang & pan xinxiang. (2021). a review on the catalytic decomposition of no by perovskite-type oxides. catalysts (5), 622-622.

[50] jiang ziheng,yang guogang,li shian,shen qiuwan,liao jiadong,wang hao... & pan xinxiang. (2021). study of the anisotropic permeability of proton exchange membrane fuel cell gas diffusion layer by lattice boltzmann method. computational materials science

[51] liao jiadong,yang guogang,li shian,shen quwan,jiang ziheng,wang hao... & pan xinxiang. (2021). effect of structural parameters on mass transfer characteristics in the gas diffusion layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells using the lattice boltzmann method. energy & fuels (3), 2654-2664.

[52] wang han, yang guogang, li shian, shen qiuwan, li zheng & chen biaojie. (2021). numerical study on the effect of discrete catalytic layer arrangement on methane steam reforming performance. rsc advances (5), 2958-2967.

[53] shen qiuwan, jiang yuhang, xia feihong, wang biao, lv xinrong, ye weiqiang & yang guogang. (2020). hydrogen production by co-based bimetallic nano-catalysts and their performance in methane steam reforming. petroleum science and technology (6), 618-625.

[54] yuan jinliang, yang guogang & sunden bengt. (2013). simulation of surface reactions and multiscale transport processes in a composite anode domain relevant for solid oxide fuel cells. journal of fuel cell science and technology (2).

[55] yang chao, yang guogang, yue danting & yuan jinliang. (2012). cfd analysis of elementary-kinetic chemical reactions and effects on transport processes in anodes of solid oxide fuel cells. (eds.) proceedings of the 3nd international conference on digital manufacturing & automation(icdma2012) (pp.64-73). marine engineering college, dalian maritime university;department of energy sciences,lund university.

[1] 王斌, 宋仁升, 杨国刚, 李谡民, 刘玉龙, 潘立卫 & 张晶. (2023). 氢能动力船现场制氢技术的研究综述. 辽宁石油化工大学学报 (06), 22-29.

[2] 孙百洵, 杨国刚, 刘新宇, 王皓, 李悦 & 王人洁. (2023). 海上风电制氢与氢能动力船舶应用综合场景设计与经济性分析. 热力发电 (08), 26-31. doi:10.19666/j.rlfd.202302028.

[3] 黄宇熙, 崔颖 & 杨国刚. (2023). 结构动力方程的一种自适应步长增维精细积分法. 振动与冲击 (14), 198-203 236. doi:10.13465/j.cnki.jvs.2023.14.023.

[4] 马峻峰, 杨国刚, 李世安, 沈秋婉, 盛中华 & 齐柏毅. (2023). 燃料电池船舶储氢方式研究现状与展望. 舰船科学技术 (03), 6-12.

[5] 许懿婧, 杨国刚 & 苌国强. (2022). pem燃料电池冷却方法发展现状研究. 电源技术 (12), 1349-1352.

[6] 徐菱翌, 苌国强, 李世安, 杨国刚, 沈秋婉 & 廖加栋. (2022). 船舶燃料电池混合动力系统的研究现状及进展. 舰船科学技术 (17), 96-100 135.

[7] 周洋, 杨发财, 李世安, 沈秋婉 & 杨国刚. (2022). 燃料电池动力船舶安全问题及对策探讨. 舰船科学技术 (04), 91-96.

[8] 魏荣强, 李世安, 刘艺辉, 杨治, 沈秋婉 & 杨国刚. (2021). 流道与肋宽比对气体扩散层性能影响的数值研究. 电化学 (05), 579-585. doi:10.13208/j.electrochem.201026.

[9] 董爽爽, 沈秋婉, 李世安 & 杨国刚. (2021). sofc功能梯度电极的研究进展. 电池 (05), 521-525. doi:10.19535/j.1001-1579.2021.05.022.

[10] 徐文峰, 孙鹏 & 杨国刚. (2021). 机匣仿生顶室对压气机间隙流动影响研究. 工程热物理学报 (09), 2275-2283.

[11] 徐文峰, 孙鹏 & 杨国刚. (2022). 仿生翅室对跨声速扩压叶栅角区分离流动影响研究. 推进技术 (05), 104-114. doi:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200766.

[12] 刘艺辉, 李世安, 魏荣强, 杨治, 沈秋婉 & 杨国刚. (2021). 固体氧化物燃料电池流道结构的研究进展. 化学通报 (07), 698-703. doi:10.14159/j.cnki.0441-3776.2021.07.007.

[13] 陈彪杰 & 杨国刚. (2021). 甲烷重整技术研究进展. 现代化工 (08), 19-23. doi:10.16606/j.cnki.issn0253-4320.2021.08.005.

[14] 魏荣强, 李世安, 王皓, 姜宇航, 沈秋婉 & 杨国刚. (2021). 阳极封闭式质子交换膜燃料电池的研究进展. 现代化工 (05), 30-34. doi:10.16606/j.cnki.issn0253-4320.2021.05.007.

[15] 王涵, 李世安, 杨发财 & 杨国刚. (2021). 氢气制取技术应用现状及发展趋势分析. 现代化工 (02), 23-27. doi:10.16606/j.cnki.issn0253-4320.2021.02.005.

[16] 陈韵之, 杨凌, 钟兢军 & 杨国刚. (2020). 吸力面翼刀在高速压气机叶栅内的应用初探. 风机技术 (02), 1-8. doi:10.16492/j.fjjs.2020.02.0001.

[17] 杨发财, 李世安, 沈秋婉 & 杨国刚. (2020). 绿色航运发展趋势和燃料电池船舶的应用前景. 船舶工程 (04), 1-7. doi:10.13788/j.cnki.cbgc.2020.04.01.

[18] 张伟, 李世安, 刘聪敏, 何广利, 张国岭, 王皓 & 杨国刚. (2019). 车载甲醇重整微型反应器研究进展. 现代化工 (07), 27-32. doi:10.16606/j.cnki.issn0253-4320.2019.07.006.

[19] 杨超, 杨国刚, 岳丹婷 & 袁金良. (2013). it-sofc阳极表面催化反应机理与传递过程的数值模拟与分析. 化工学报 (06), 2208-2218.

[20] 杨国刚, 岳丹婷, 吕欣荣 & 袁金良. (2011). 甲烷入口条件对紧凑型重整器燃烧管道化学反应与产热特性影响. 工程热物理学报 (03), 451-454.

[21] 杨国刚, 岳丹婷, 吕欣荣 & 袁金良. (2010). 多孔介质孔隙率对sofc阳极管道化学/电化学反应与传递过程影响. 工程热物理学报 (05), 863-866.

[22] 丛立新, 毕明树, 黄明湖 & 杨国刚. (2009). 球带型障碍物对气云爆燃强度影响的实验与数值模拟. 煤炭学报 (05), 661-666.

[23] 杨国刚, 岳丹婷 & 毕明树. (2008). 圆柱形可燃气云爆炸实验研究与数值模拟. 化工学报 (11), 2954-2959.

[24] 杨国刚, 吴桂涛, 毕明树 & 丁信伟. (2008). 非均匀分布可燃气云爆炸威力分析. 石油学报(石油加工) (04), 472-477.

[25] 杨国刚, 吕欣荣, 岳丹婷 & 袁金良. (2008). sofc内部重整反应与电化学反应耦合机理. 化工学报 (04), 1008-1015.

[26] 杨国刚, 岳丹婷 & 袁金良. (2008). 天然气重整器内部传递过程的数值模拟. 天然气工业 (03), 121-123 150-151.

[27] 张瑞书, 岳丹婷, 杨国刚 & 吕欣荣. (2007). 油船货油保温时间计算. 大连海事大学学报 (01), 58-60. doi:10.16411/j.cnki.issn1006-7736.2007.01.016.

[28] 杨国刚,丁信伟,毕明树. (2005). 聚乙烯薄膜对可燃气云爆炸影响的实验研究与数值模拟. 化工学报 (01), 180-184.

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